Hi there, I’m Jenny. You’re in the right spot if you’ve ever asked yourself questions like these…
- How do I keep believing in myself so I stop thinking I’m not qualified enough to do this?
- How do I stop fearing the tech portion of becoming a new blogger or podcaster?
- How do I niche down enough so I know I’ll attract the right audience?
- How do I deal with the overwhelm so I know what to focus on next?
- How do I stay motivated before I achieve my version of success?
(These thoughts may sound familiar to you as an aspiring/new blogger, podcaster or online entrepreneur.)
This site is here to answer these types of questions. Here’s what Creation Peak is all about…
Creation Peak focuses on building a strong mindset as an aspiring blogger or podcaster so that you can build your online business in peace and bring your best work into existence.
Aspiring Bloggers & Podcasters Have Specific Needs…
As master of your own destiny, you need resources for the particular mental, emotional and spiritual challenges that online entrepreneurship brings.
This means having strategies for common roadblocks like switching from an employee mindset to an entrepreneurial mindset, staying inspired despite how long things take, surrounding yourself with like-minded people (plus, knowing how to ignore the naysayers) and having resources that help you build your new online business so you don’t let the unknown stop you.
(Remember, the world needs what you have to offer!)
In other words, let’s silence all the noise so you can create in peace. This is what I call Creation Peak.
(Plus, it’s time to celebrate your existing wins! You put yourself out there and are doing something unconventional… I get it and want to support you in your journey.
I mean, think of something that’s made a huge impact on you… can you imagine what life would be like if the creator decided not to bring it to the world? That’s why I’m honored to support people like you who persevere despite the obstacles.
And, it’s a privilege to create a resource that can help you in some way… let me thank you in advance! 🙂 )
Problem Solver Over Here…
Being a curious one, I’m always looking for solutions to obstacles that come my way.
(I don’t believe we have to settle for anything life hands us. In fact, it’s up to us to manifest our desired outcome.)
I’m used to doing things on my own so I’ve gotten into the habit of taking notice when something is happening, seeking to understand where it’s coming from and then being stubborn enough to find solutions. (Real stubborn! 😉 )
And, simply put, I really love helping people. In doing so, I get to reinforce the lessons within myself too. (win, win!)
We can all cut down the learning curve together so that we can remind ourselves that what we’re doing is worthwhile and that it really matters.
A Little About Me…
As a child, I knew I wanted to be my own boss (and Indiana Jones 🙂 ). Turns out my early instincts were right because I never felt like I was fulfilling my life purpose working in the corporate world with a “good” job that had the “right” perks (benefits and such). I really tried, but I just got depressed thinking I would have to work for someone else for 30 years or more (if I was lucky). Maybe you know what I mean?
As I began building my new blog and podcast, I started noticing a lot of things. For one, my lack of self confidence started making an appearance again. (I thought I had moved past that.)
A lot of this stems from not having a college degree. Having grown up in Silicon Valley, I got it in my head that the lack of this degree equaled my self worth. That’s been problematic to say the least.
Another issue was the guilt of going after my business full time. I had always done the responsible thing (earning a steady income), which made my partner became the sole income earner. We agreed to this, but that just made me frustrated with myself because of how long things can take before making money with an online business.
I knew I was right to become an entrepreneur, but these feelings just made me question whether what I was doing was even going to work. (Doing something you really care about tends to bring this up!)
And, that’s when I thought back to a past experience where I dealt with a life-long condition of excess weight. I saw a lot of similarities between the two because both have roots in mindset.I found solutions for my weight because I got clear on the “why” of what I was doing, and I found ways to do it that were acceptable to me. I discovered the “why” is everything because it has to keep you going through all the fear, frustration and uneasiness of doing something different.
(Long story short, I’m down 145 pounds so far. High five!)
When I looked at my online business from that perspective things got easier mentally. I’ve heard high performers say that your inner game is a huge part of success.
I love personal development topics and I’m a spiritual person who believes in The Universe. These ideas have helped me to continue to replace some very limiting beliefs.
For instance, you can create incredible things if you just get out of your own way.
This is why I love sharing empowering resources like Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill because it can really help remove roadblocks. I found a public domain version of the book and I love to read out loud, so I combined these two passions by reading the book on my podcast. My hope is that this book reminds you of how great you are. 🙂
So I’d like to end this by saying you have my respect. As a new blogger or podcaster, you’re saying you believe in yourself enough to go down a different path and essentially jump without a net. This site and podcast is here to support you!
We are the Creation Peak Tribe and we’re all in this together!
Join The Community
Thanks for reading! I tried to keep this page on the shorter side because I can go on and on (thank goodness I started a podcast 😉 ), but I just wanted to make sure you know I appreciate you being here.
I’d love to have you join my email list community (it’s free). By subscribing, you’ll get information about entrepreneurial mindset and self care strategies as well as much-needed inspiration delivered to your inbox.I look forward to connecting with you my friend!