I’m in the middle of learning something very important. Specifically, that a creative mind in entrepreneurship is a valuable asset. The good news is is that there are ways to master this creative mind.
(Don’t let the word “master” fool you into thinking that it’s going to be hard. I’ve got some simple solutions below that make this easier.)
Just some background… I wanted to look more into the creative mindset, particularly in entrepreneurship, because I’ve been known to “effort” my way through something. I tend to do this when I allow stress to enter my consciousness.
And, just to clarify what “efforting” means to me…
It’s that grit your teeth and white knuckle your way through something. Do it faster, work harder and just drive yourself crazy with the intensity of it all.
Do you know what I mean?
I wish I could say I have this beat, but the truth is I have to remind myself to watch out for this pattern every single day.
It was the constant struggle (and lack of sleep) that made me start searching for solutions. I noticed that no matter how “hard” I worked, I didn’t get to my destination any faster.
I discovered that if you’re drawing from the wrong energy source, you’ll burn out quickly. And, it turns out that we have more than one mind we can use.
Analytical Mind vs Creative Mind

Dr. Joe Dispenza, an acclaimed neuroscientist who’s written many books on the subject, says we have an analytical mind and a creative mind. The analytical mind is great for figuring things out (like solving math problems).
The creative mind, on the other hand, is where ideas and inspiration take place.
Entrepreneurs are problem solvers and innovators who bring ideas to life.
I’m sure you can see the value of being in this state.
We’re often in this creative mind just after we wake up. We can also get there via other means such as meditation or exercise. The analytical mind naturally gets quieter during those situations and lets your creative mind become the dominant source.
When I’m stressed, I notice that my analytical mind shows up ready to take action and save the day. If I’m being chased by a lion, then I’m all for this mind to handle business.
However, if I need a clear head to activate my best performance, I need this mind to take a back seat.
And, not only that. I’ve noticed a creative mind helps give you a bigger picture of a situation. Otherwise, it’s too easy to get the pinhole version and draw the wrong conclusion. This is dangerous because our assumptions become our truths.
How To Have A Creative Mind

So how do you draw from the creative mind? One of my methods is meditation.
Meditation for Creative Blocks
This might be frustrating to some because the thought of sitting quietly by yourself, closing your eyes and picturing a scene in your mind isn’t appealing. But, that’s just one way to do it.
You can go for a walk (see below), practice mindfulness or even engage in a pleasurable activity to get into a meditative state. I’m a very visual person and I enjoy the sitting and visualizing. Sometimes, though, I’m just not in the mood and I need something different for it to work.
(re: Walking – This is a really interesting article by Stanford University about how walking improves creativity by an average of 60 percent.)
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Some of the most effective meditations I’ve done have come from Dr. Joe Dispenza’s book Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself: How To Lose Your Mind and Build a New One.
I’m not going to lie — it’s heavy reading because you learn details about the brain and how it works. But, Dr. Dispenza did write this for the layperson (despite it still being heavy reading) and you end up with a great understanding of how to master what’s going on mentally and emotionally.
It’s fascinating and powerful stuff.
Related: Inspirational Books for Entrepreneurs
Best Entrepreneur Podcasts for Inspiration

One of the reasons I wanted to start The Creation Peak Show was to help entrepreneurs and other people fill their minds with positive information that encourages a growth mindset. I was really excited to do this after I started listening to inspirational podcasts.
At the time, I didn’t realize I was tapping my creative mind by listening to people who are where I want to be. This practice allowed me to be an active gatekeeper of the types of information I allowed into my consciousness.
If you’d like some podcast recommendations, here are three of my favorites:
- School Of Greatness by Lewis Howes
- Smart Passive Income by Pat Flynn
- The Marie Forleo Podcast by Marie Forleo
It’s helpful to hear the hosts and guest speakers talk about the difficulties they encountered on their rise to success. I’ve heard many times people only see the success, and not all the failures that it took to get there.
If you’re going through self doubt or wondering how to make it through something, be sure to browse these podcasts. More often than not, you’ll find that you’re not alone!
Curiosity and Creative Thinking
Staying curious and having a thirst for knowledge fuels creativity too. In fact, curiosity and creativity go hand in hand.
Here’s one of my favorite quotes on the subject:
Having interests and learning something new fires up different parts of the brain [source]. This could be anything, from engaging in a new hobby to mastering fresh challenges to become the best at what you do.
Personally, I’m curious about how our minds work, developing new habits and essentially creating an extraordinary life. (This site and podcast are extensions of these desires. 🙂 )
Gaia is one of my go-to resources for indulging my curiosities and learning. Calling themselves “The NETFLIX of Conscious Media,” this online video streaming service is full of curated movies, videos and documentaries that support all kinds of personal development topics. (For example, mindset, meditation and healthy living.)
Disclosure: The Gaia banner above is an affiliate link, which means I earn a commission if you make a purchase using my link. This is at no additional cost to you. I love this service and think you’ll enjoy it too! 🙂
Effect Of Sunlight On Mood

Getting some sun may seem too simplistic a solution, but try it. I love to garden, and I’m constantly in awe as I watch my plants turn towards the sun each day. They know what they need to thrive, and sometimes I think we need a reminder of this too.
Honestly, the sun is one of my favorite solutions for getting into the right mindset. The effects of sunlight on mood are well documented. For example, sunlight helps boosts serotonin for better moods, gives you more energy, encourages better sleep and it’s even linked to improved cognitive performance. [source, source, source]
There’s something wonderful that happens to you mentally when you do this. The feel of the sun on your skin, the change of environment and the light on your face all seem to have a reboot effect. I’ve found this to be especially true if you feel like you’ve hit a wall and things are more of a struggle than normal.
All of these resources help you draw from an energy source called your creative mind. I also call it the Universe. Some people may also refer to this energy source as “God” or simply “the power within.”
No matter the label, it’s an abundant supply that effectively powers you through.
Having a creative mind in entrepreneurship essentially helps you bring your best work forward. And, that’s what this site is here to support!
I hope this helps. 🙂